Jeremy Smith
After completing his tour in Afghanistan as a Combat Medic & Military Police in 2003, Jeremy Smith became a Worcester Police officer in 2004. Since then, he has had extensive education and training throughout the country. In 2011 he was assigned to the first Crash Reconstruction unit at the Worcester Police Department. He has been involved in several fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting in serious injury within the City of Worcester. During that me, he has written and assisted with the writing of over 40 search warrants for items which would assist in crash investigations such as cell phones, blood, urine, medical records, airbag control modules, and motor vehicles. Jeremy is an instructor for classes such as the Standardized Field Sobriety Test and Speed Measurement (Radar & Lidar) and he is also a supervisor for field training officers. His training includes but is not limited to: At Scene Crash Investigation, Advanced Traffic Analysis, Accident Investigation/Reconstruction, Nighttime Crash Investigation Training, Pedestrian/Bicycle Crash Investigation, Investigation on of Motorcycle Crashes, Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement, and Marijuana During Motor Vehicle Stops: Detection, Investigation and Prosecution. Jeremy also earned his Master’s in Criminal Justice from Anna Maria College and in 2015 he was promoted to Sergeant within the Worcester Police Department.